Saturday, January 28, 2012


Gaang had play date with Kora this Wednesday.
On our way home,
Kora; Justin said I'm sexy
Me; what?
Kora; that doesn't make any sense, what does sexy mean anyway?
Gaang; I saw it from magazine, it says"how to improve your love life; comfortable, beautiful and Sexy"
Me; ............... Uh............

Friday, January 27, 2012


꼭 책을 읽어주시는 강이와 산이. 코만 파지말아라

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

After school

곰빵 먹으러가서 곰에게 하이하더니 바로 머리를 입으로... 순식간에 하나 먹더니 배속에 곰이 있어서 growl한단다.
학교 다니느라 배고프구나

집에 없는 산이

이렇게 하루종일 야옹이처럼 집에 있던 산이가 학교를 다니니 좋기는 하지만 왠지 허전하다. 야옹

Monday, January 9, 2012


It was really warm Satuday, even it's in January we saw the sea lion show at the aquarium. Nice sunny outing inspired us to buy fish. We bought 7, but 3 died next morning. And they were all Gaang's fish( Sahn's fish are all well, and they are a lot cheaper and bigger kind), there were very short moment of tears and mourning .